Friday June 21
I made my first foray into town yesterday. I needed to do some errands, and it was time to see how far I would have to go to walk to the laundry, the market and the Playa Principal.
Not far. A few minutes and only one wrong turn and I was at the west end of the stretch of street where I could find most of what I need and much that I don’t, i.e. the shops that cater to the tourist trade.
The ATM, which spits out pesos with a pretty decent exchange rate, and the full service laundry are within 2 blocks of each other at the west end, which is where I entered. The beach and all it’s many restaurants and it’s fleet of fishing and dolphin watching boats is also accessed at the west end, right next to Gina’s tourist information booth (the local woman I had lunch with on Monday).
Puerto Escondido was originally founded as a port city. As such it needed a lighthouse. Today that lighthouse is still in operation. The place I am renting is about 200 meters west of it.
There is a stone walkway at the base of the cliff on which we both sit. It begins at Playa Principal and ends about 250 meters west of where I am staying. When I was done in town I decided to try it out. The whole circuit from my rented house to the beach to back home is about 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) and the cliff is about 30 meters or 100 ft. high. Included today is a series of pictures taken during the walk with my cell phone camera.